Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Riddle - Me - Riddle

Ging's Poser of the Week: " If a Cat has Nine lives, does it also have a Different Personality in each life?" Obviously, Ging has been spending way too much time listening to discourses on the Karmic Law and thinks theological discussions make for great Alpha-Beta bonding sessions. But a caffeine buzzed and brain dead mommie is in no shape to supply answers.
An opinion, anyone???


man in painting said...

In the seventh i was that cat.
Now it is eighth and it is me
guess who will be the next?

Best wishes..

Gingerbread & Me said...

he he he MIP...
Moggie Mom is still too brain dead to respond....Ging may have had a more appropriate response, but trust the Beta to vanish at the opportune moment...
Thanx for visiting us!!!